2014 Gender Bias Taskforce Review Report
In 2014, WLWA release the most comprehensive report into gender bias in the law and administration of justice in WA to date.
The 2014 Review Report was the culmination of over 3 years of investigative and documentary work.
The report was intended to build on an earlier report in 1994 as to the state of WA law and gender bias.
The broad Terms of Reference for the Project were as follows:
- To review the extent to which the recommendations made in the 1994 Report of the Chief Justice’s Taskforce on Gender Bias(the 1994 Report) have been implemented.
- To the extent that any recommendations in the 1994 Report have not been implemented, to investigate and make recommendations in relation to whether, and if so how, those recommendations may now be implemented.
- To investigate the extent to which gender bias continues to exist in the law and the administration of justice in Western Australia, and to make recommendations for its elimination.
- To consult with such government agencies, organisations, groups or persons as the Steering Committee thinks fit in relation to these matters.
The 2014 Review Report was published in September 2014 and provides 197 recommendations to government agencies, organisations and groups, including the Law Society and the Western Australian Bar Association.
You can read the Executive Summary for the 2014 Review Report here and the Media Release by WLWA here.
To view the 2014 Review Report, please click below (6MB PDF file):
If you would like to comment on the Executive Summary or contribute to the implementation of the recommendations in the 2014 Review Report, please contact us by email at enquiry@wlwa.asn.au and let us know what your area of interest is, and how you would like to contribute.
WLWA would like to thank all those involved in the Project, including those who participated on the Steering Committee, on the nine chapter Sub-committees, those who engaged in consultations, provided submissions and gave feedback at various stages of the Project.
WLWA gratefully acknowledges the support that we have received for this Project from the Department of the Attorney General, the Public Purposes Trust, the Department of Communities: Women’s Interests, the Hon Chief Justice Wayne Martin AC, the College of Law and Francis Burt Chambers. Research for the Project was greatly assisted by funding grants from the Public Purposes Trust, Department of Communities: Women’s Interests and the Department of the Attorney General, for which WLWA is extremely grateful.